December 2023 Full Moon in Cancer Guided Meditation for an Overall Mind Body Cleanse and Alignment

Dec 23, 2023
December 2023 Full Moon in Cancer Guided Meditation for an Overall Mind Body Cleanse and Alignment

Hello Beautiful Souls,

It's Crystal from The Psychic Soul, and I'm thrilled to guide you through our last full moon meditation of 2023, falling under the nurturing embrace of the Cancerian astrological sign. As we immerse ourselves in the energy of the December Full Moon, let's explore the profound connection between the Water Moon in Cancer, symbolizing our emotional depths, and the grounding influence of Capricorn Season in the Earth element, forming a cosmic partnership that shapes our reality.

The December Full Moon is a cosmic dance of light, reflecting the sun's glow to illuminate our Being. It acts as a cosmic spotlight, revealing parts of ourselves that may no longer align with our present selves. This lunation serves as an opportunity for release and self-reflection, creating space for the emergence of a higher version of who we are.

Under the influence of the Water Moon and Earth element, the energy is heart-centered, nurturing, and rebirthing. It empowers us to become frequency beacons, attracting experiences for the greater good. As we weave through the tapestry of this year, the December Full Moon is asking us to care for ourselves, reflecting on our journey and nurturing our inner selves before extending that care to others.

No matter what unfolds during this lunation, we hold the power to ebb and flow like the tides, mastering our energy field one breath at a time. Through this guided meditation, we invite you to join us in letting go of all that no longer serves your highest purpose, and then embark on a transformative journey of body and energy alignment to cleanse, heal, and nourish your entire Being.

The background music, is Theta frequency binaural beats, which is known to facilitate rejuvenation, growth, and healing, enhancing the meditation experience. For those new to our meditations, I extend a warm welcome and express gratitude for choosing to shift and move energy with us for the greater good.

If you resonate with this meditation, your support is invaluable. Liking, commenting, sharing, subscribing, or following helps us expand our reach, touching the lives of countless souls worldwide. Together, we can bring about powerful shifts in the world, fostering a collective awakening.

As we step into 2024, I invite you to explore additional transformative experiences with me. Join our collaborative Manifesting Under the Moon membership, schedule private psychic sessions, learn psychic development, or delve into our meditation library.

Thank you for your love and support throughout the year. Here's to infinite love and powerful shifts as we journey into 2024 together!

Blessings and love,

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