Embracing the Power of the New Moon: Manifesting Dreams and Abundance

May 16, 2023

Every new moon marks the beginning of a powerful cosmic cycle, setting the stage for transformation and manifestation. Just as the Moon starts anew, we too have the opportunity to emulate the energies of the cosmos and embark on a journey of growth and creation. In this blog post, we invite you to join Crystal of The Psychic Soul as she guides you through the magical energy of the May New Moon. Get ready to manifest your dreams and embrace infinite abundance.

The Significance of New Moons:

New Moons hold immense potential for planting seeds of intention and turning dreams into reality. It is a time to become deeply aware of our heart's desires, thoughts, and words, as they shape the world we experience. Whether we are conscious of it or not, our reality is a direct reflection of our inner state. By harnessing the energy of the New Moon, we can consciously align ourselves with the universe and co-create the life we truly desire.

Join Crystal's Guided Meditation:

Crystal warmly welcomes you to embark on a transformative journey under the abundant May New Moon. As your meditation guide, she invites you to restore and manifest alongside her. The full-length May New Moon Guided Meditation, available in the link provided, will assist you in grounding, letting go, and growing. Allow yourself to be immersed in the rejuvenating and recharging energy of the New Moon as you connect with your inner power.

🌚🪬May New Moon in Taurus Guided Meditation

Journey of Remembrance:

During the guided meditation, Crystal will lead you on a profound journey of remembrance. Together, you will revisit moments when your soul felt worthy of infinite abundance, free from any restrictions or blocks. This journey will help you tap into your innate potential and rediscover the boundless wellspring of abundance that resides within you. Through this process, you can dissolve any limiting beliefs and open yourself to receiving the abundance you deserve.

Taurus New Moon Manifesting Journal and Distance Energy Healing Activation:

For those seeking to delve deeper into manifesting under the New Moon, Crystal offers a special resource: the Taurus New Moon Manifesting self-worth and abundance journal. This journal provides valuable insights and prompts to help you align with the energy of the New Moon, cultivate self-worth, and manifest abundance in all areas of your life. Additionally, Crystal offers a distance energy healing activation to amplify your manifesting intentions. 

🎯📓♾️Taurus New Moon Manifesting journal, and distance energy healing activation 

Unlocking Infinite Abundance:

As you embark on your journey of manifesting under the New Moon, Crystal enhances the experience with background music set at 888 Hz Frequency. This frequency is known as the gateway to infinite abundance. It resonates with the vibrations of prosperity and amplifies your intentions, supporting the manifestation of your dreams.


The New Moon holds incredible power for transformation and manifestation. By aligning with the cosmic energies and harnessing the guidance of Crystal of The Psychic Soul, you can tap into your inner potential and create a reality that reflects your heart's desires. Embrace the opportunities presented by the May New Moon, explore the guided meditation, and discover the transformative potential within you. May infinite abundance and manifestation be yours to embrace.

Remember, the link to the full-length May New Moon Guided Meditation, the Taurus New Moon Manifesting journal, and the distance energy healing activation can be found below. Begin your journey of transformation today.

Thank you for shifting with me under the May 2023 New Moon in Taurus. You are a magnificent Being of Light! The light within me honors the light within you 🪬

Infinite Love & Gratitude ❤️🙏🏼- Crystal

Crystal is the Founder of The Psychic Soul and Mooniverse. She is a Meditation Guide, Manifestor and Sacred Space Holder.

🎯📓♾️Taurus New Moon Manifesting journal, and distance energy healing activation

🌚🪬May New Moon in Taurus Guided Meditation