February Full Moon Guided Meditation - The Snow Moon

Feb 06, 2020

Allow Crystal to take you on a guided meditation journey during the February Snow Full Moon.

The second full moon of the year is known as the Snow Moon by Native Americans or Rowan Moon in Druid and Celtic folklore. Rowan Trees are said to be the tree from which the first woman was made; allow Crystal to guide you in grounding through powerful Rowan tree roots. The Snow Moon is the most cleansing full moon in the entire year, it's a time to let go and release whatever is no longer serving you and step into a time of new beginnings that are in alignment with your Soul's purpose.

Crystal takes you on a journey of grounding, releasing, healing and replenishing throughout this guided meditation. She calls in ArchAngel Michael, he is the leader of the Archangels. The one to turn to if you need guidance in the areas of career and life aspirations. You can call on him for protection of your home, property, family and loved ones. He will help you to grow spiritually and emotionally and give you the courage to make the changes that are necessary to accomplish it. Crystal has brought him here to help you plant your seeds of creation and to watch over, protect and nurture the seeds you are sowing.