Discover the Transformative Power of Our Quantum Healing Sessions

Jan 28, 2024
Discover the Transformative Power of Our Quantum Healing Sessions

Welcome to our space of profound healing and growth. In this post we are thrilled to share the insights from our recent Quantum Remote Healing and Distance Reiki session under the Full Moon in Leo. For those new to our community, we conduct these sessions from our homes in different states, combining our energies to create a unique healing experience.

A Journey of Collective Transformation: Our latest session was nothing short of a wild adventure, filled with rapid and purposeful energy shifts. We witnessed the powerful reunion of the High Council of Beings, reminding us how individual healing contributes to the collective. Your personal transformations extend far beyond your own experience, touching and uplifting others.

Embracing Dragon Energy for Empowerment: Dragon energy emerged as a key symbol in our session, representing wisdom, strength, and ancient knowledge. This majestic force guided us through shedding old layers, aiding in both individual and collective empowerment. Watching your energetic wings grow was a testament to this powerful transformation.

Fiery Reiki for Inner Cleansing: Our Reiki practice evolved into a fiery energy, burning away blockages and freeing us to radiate love. This purification process was a vital step in reclaiming our inner power and strength.

Healing the Throat Chakra and Witch Wound: Many of you experienced profound healing in the throat chakra and the witch wound. The physical and visceral release of these deep-seated traumas was followed by restoration and empowerment through dragon energy, enabling a flight that bridged heaven and earth.

The Dragon's Tears: A Lagoon of Purification: In a moment of deep purification, our collective dragon tears created a sacred lagoon for healing and integration. Bathing in these waters, we assimilated the dragon energies, embracing the full spectrum of what this powerful symbol represents.

Themes of Wealth and Prosperity: Aligned with the generous spirit of the Leo Full Moon, themes of abundance, wealth, and prosperity surfaced, encouraging us to embrace all forms of abundance and recognize our worth.

The Healing Power of Selenite and Amethyst: Selenite and amethyst graced our session, enhancing our journey. Selenite offered purification and peace, while amethyst brought protection and spiritual awakening, supporting our path towards higher consciousness.

Kundalini Rising into a Phoenix: The session culminated with the kundalini energy within each of us rising and transforming into a phoenix, symbolizing rebirth, renewal, and the eternal cycle of life.

Special Offer for Our Community: To deepen your journey with us, we're excited to offer a 50% discount on our Manifesting Under the Moon Membership. This includes all new and full moon remote healing and distance Reiki transmissions, providing you with continuous support and guidance. CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ACCESS.

Join Us on This Healing Journey: We invite you to join our community and experience the transformative power of our healing sessions. Whether you're new or have been with us for a while, your presence, light, and inner work are deeply valued.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Crystal and Aurora




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