Integrating Light + Shadow Under the October 2023 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon

Oct 24, 2023
Integrating Light + Shadow Under the October 2023 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon

Greetings, Sovereign Souls!

I'm Crystal from The Psychic Soul, and today we're delving into the profound cosmic event of the October 2023 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This eclipse is a potent portal into higher states of consciousness. The energies at play during this lunar eclipse can serve as a catalyst for deep transformation and healing, and in this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of releasing energy through meditation and rituals under this transformative lunar eclipse.

The Cosmic Alignment: Moon in Taurus and Sun in Scorpio:

The October Lunar Eclipse unfolds with the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio. This cosmic dance guides us to confront our shadow selves, those aspects that we've unknowingly tucked away deep within our subconscious due to past traumas, whether in this lifetime or others. It's an opportunity to step into the light by acknowledging and healing these wounds, paving the way for a deeper connection to our soul's purpose and awakening to the fated events in our lives.

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Lunar Eclipses: Illuminating the Unseen:

Lunar eclipses are essentially supercharged Full Moons, shedding light on aspects of our lives that have been waiting for this cosmic intervention to be cleared. They have the remarkable ability to jolt us out of our comfort zones, urging us to grow, evolve and take that daring leap of faith to the next level.

A Journey into the Darkness:

This October Lunar Eclipse encourages us to dive deep into the darkness of our own trauma, exploring our mental, emotional, physical and soul wounds. In the midst of this darkness, a guiding light appears, showing us the path to a higher state of being where only love resides and we are able to let fear go, bit by bit. This journey creates a firm foundation rooted in the infinite stream of abundance.

Elemental Magic: Earth and Water:

The elements of Earth and Water play a pivotal role in this eclipse. Earth connects us to our physicality, offering stability and rootedness. Water, on the other hand, connects us to our emotions and intuition, nurturing and supporting us. Together, their magic grounds us and helps us reclaim our sovereignty.

The Mirror of the Universe:

During a Lunar Eclipse, Earth's shadow hides the moon, much like how we, as mirrors of the Universe, have parts of ourselves that remain concealed. This eclipse encourages us to integrate and become whole once more, accessing all of our being. This wholing process is where your divinity and power truly reside.

A Guided Meditation for Wholeness:

To support you on your journey under the October 2023 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, I've created a guided meditation. In this meditation, we'll release trauma and ancestral bonds that may still be binding you. We'll integrate your divine light and shadow, enabling you to step into a higher phase of consciousness. Moreover, we'll embark on a journey to remember when your soul felt worthy of infinite abundance, unburdened by restrictions.

Unlocking the Power of Binaural Beats:

The background music for the meditation features 10 Hz Binaural Beats, which move us into an Alpha State. This state promotes relaxation, stress release, and a boost in serotonin levels, enhancing the meditation's effectiveness.

Infinite Love + Gratitude:

As we embark on this cosmic journey, remember that we are all mirrors of the Universe, and just like the moon under an eclipse, we too have hidden facets. By embracing and integrating all aspects of ourselves, we can tap into our true power and divinity. I, Crystal of The Psychic Soul, am here to walk this path with you.

If this resonates with you, please share and comment on this blog post. The more we come together, the greater the positive impact on humanity. You can explore links below to work with me, including a special community discount to join my meditation membership, certified psychic development course, remote healings, and the Manifesting Under the Moon collaboration membership. Let's unite in shifting and commanding the change our world needs.

Until the new moon, infinite love and gratitude. ๐ŸŒ•๐Ÿ’ซ - ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿผ Crystal

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